Privacy Policy

At eposdaddy, we regard your requirement for online security and ensure any Personal Information that you may impart to us, in a fitting way. Our training as for utilization of your Personal Information is as gone ahead beneath in this Privacy Policy Statement. As a condition to the utilization of eposdaddy Services, you agree to the details of the Privacy Policy Statement as it might be refreshed every once in a while. This Privacy Policy Statement applies solely to On the off chance that you have uncertain protection or information use worry that we have not tended to sufficiently, Please get in touch with us at

Kids’ Online Privacy Protection

eposdaddy doesn’t intentionally gather Personal Information from clients who are under 13 years old.

Data Recorded and Use

Individual Information

During the Registration Process for making a client account, we demand your name and email address. You will likewise be approached to pick a one of a kind username and a secret key, which will be utilized exclusively to give access to your client account. Upon enlistment, you will have the choice of picking a security question and a response to the security question, which whenever given, will be utilized exclusively for the motivation behind resetting your secret word. Your name and email address will be utilized to illuminate you with respect to new administrations, discharges, forthcoming occasions, and changes in this Privacy Policy Statement. eposdaddy will approach outsider individual data gave by you as a component of utilizing eposdaddy Services, for example, contacts in your client database. This data may incorporate outsider names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and physical locations and will be utilized for overhauling your necessities as communicated by you to eposdaddy and exclusively as a vital part of your utilization of eposdaddy Services. We don’t impart this outsider individual data to anybody for limited time purposes, nor do we use it for any reason not explicitly agreed to by you. At the point when you choose to allude companions to the site, we demand their email address and name to encourage the ask for and convey a one time email. Your companion may get in touch with us at to demand that we expel this data from our database. We post client tributes on our site. These tributes may incorporate names and other Personal Information and we gain authorization from our clients preceding posting these on our site. eposdaddy isn’t answerable for the Personal Information clients choose for post inside their tributes.

Utilization Details

Your utilization subtleties, for example, time, recurrence, span, and example of utilization, highlights utilized and the measure of capacity utilized will be recorded by us so as to upgrade your experience of the eposdaddy Services and to assist us with giving you the most ideal help.

The substance of your User Account

We store and look after records, reports, daily agendas, messages, and other information put away in your client account at our offices. So as to forestall loss of information because of blunders or framework disappointments, we likewise keep reinforcement duplicates of information including the substance of your client account. Subsequently, your records and information may stay on our servers considerably after the cancellation or end of your client account. We may hold and utilize your Personal Information and information as important to consent to our lawful commitments, resolve questions, and implement our privileges. We guarantee you that the substance of your client record won’t be revealed to anybody and won’t be available even to representatives of eposdaddy with the exception of in conditions explicitly referenced in this Privacy Policy Statement and Terms of Services. We additionally don’t examine the substance of your client represent serving focused on notices.

Installment Information

If there should arise an occurrence of administrations requiring installment, we demand Mastercard or other installment account data, which will be utilized exclusively for preparing installments. Your money related data won’t be put away by us with the exception of the name and address of the cardholder, the expiry date and the last four digits of the Credit Card number. Subject to your earlier assent and where vital for preparing future installments, your monetary data will be put away in the scrambled structure on secure servers of our rumored Payment Gateway Service Provider who is under obligation to cookies your Personal Information as per this Privacy Policy Statement.

Guest Details

We utilize the Internet Protocol address, program type, program language, alluding URL, documents got to, blunders produced, time zone, working framework, and other guest subtleties gathered in our log records to investigate the patterns, regulate the site, track guest’s developments and to improve our site. We connect this consequently gathered information to other data we gather about you.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We utilize transitory and changeless treats to upgrade your experience of our eposdaddy Services. Impermanent treats will be expelled from your PC each time you close your program. By choosing ‘keep me marked in’ alternative in eposdaddy Services, a lasting treat will be put away in your PC and you won’t be required to sign-in by giving total login data each time you come back to our site. On the off chance that you have turned treats off, you will most likely be unable to utilize enrolled territories of the site. We attach treat data to your email address when you choose to remain signed in to keep up and review your inclinations inside the site. Advancements, for example, treats, guides, labels, and contents are utilized by eposdaddy , and our accomplices [such as affiliate partners], subsidiaries, or specialist organizations [such as investigation administration providers]. These advances are utilized in dissecting patterns, managing the site, following clients’ developments around the site and to accumulate segment data about our client base all in all. We may get reports dependent on the utilization of these advancements by these organizations on a person just as the collected premise.

We utilize Local Storage Objects (for example, HTML5 to store content data and inclinations. Outsiders with whom we accomplice to give certain highlights on our website or to show publicizing dependent on your Web perusing action use, for example, HTML 5 to gather and store data. Different programs may offer their own administration instruments for evacuating HTML5,

Social Targeting/Re-Targeting

We join forces with outsiders to deal with our commercials on different locales. Our outsider accomplices may utilize innovations, for example, treats to assemble data about your exercises on this site and different locales so as to give you promoting dependent on your perusing exercises and interests. On the off chance that you wish to not have this data utilized to serve you intrigue based ads, you may quit by clicking here (or whenever situated in the European Union snap here). Be that as it may, you will keep on getting nonexclusive notices on different sites that show promotions.

Connections from our site

A few pages of our site contain outer connections. You are instructed to confirm the protection rehearses with respect to such different sites. We are not answerable for the way of utilization or abuse of data made accessible by you at such different sites. We urge you not to give Personal Information, without guaranteeing yourselves of the Privacy Policy Statement of different sites.

Unified Authentication

You can sign in to our site utilizing unified validation suppliers, for example, Facebook Connect. These administrations will confirm your character and give you the alternative to impart certain Personal Information to us, for example, your name and email address to pre-populate our sign up structure.

With whom we share Information

We may need to share your Personal Information and your information with our subsidiaries, affiliates, specialist co-ops, and colleagues exclusively to give eposdaddy Services to you. The reasons for which we may uncover your Personal Information or information to our specialist co-ops may incorporate, yet are not constrained to, information stockpiling, database the board, web examination, and installment preparing. These specialist co-ops are approved to utilize your Personal Information or information just as important to offer these types of assistance to us. In such cases, eposdaddy will likewise guarantee that such offshoots, affiliates, specialist co-ops, and colleagues conform to this Privacy Policy Statement and embrace suitable secrecy and safety efforts. We will get your earlier explicit assent before we share your Personal Information or information to any individual outside eposdaddy for any reason that isn’t straightforwardly associated with giving eposdaddy Services to you. We will impart your Personal Information to outsiders just in the manners that are depicted in this Privacy Policy Statement. We don’t offer your Personal Information to outsiders. We may share conventional amassed segment data not connected to any Personal Information in regards to guests and clients with our colleagues and publicists. If you don’t mind know that laws in different wards wherein we work may commit us to reveal client data and the substance of your client record to the neighborhood law requirement specialists under a legitimate procedure or an enforceable government demand. What’s more, we may likewise reveal Personal Information and substance of your client record to law requirement specialists if such exposure is resolved to be fundamental by eposdaddy in our sole and outright attentiveness for ensuring the wellbeing of our clients, representatives, or the overall population. On the off chance that eposdaddy is associated with a merger, procurement, or offer of all or a part of its business or resources, you will be told by means of email or potentially a conspicuous notification on our site of any adjustment in possession or employments of your Personal Information, just as any decisions you may have in regards to your Personal Information.

How secure is your Information

We receive industry suitable information assortment, stockpiling, and handling practices and safety efforts, just as physical safety efforts to secure against unapproved get to, change, revelation, or annihilation of your Personal Information, username, secret word, exchange data and information put away in your client account. Access to your name and email address is confined to our workers who need to know such data regarding giving eposdaddy Services to you and are limited by classification commitments.

Your Choice in Information Use

On the occasion we choose to utilize your Personal Information for any reason other than as expressed in this Privacy Policy Statement, we will offer you a compelling method to quit the utilization of your Personal Information for those different purposes. Now and again, we may send messages to you with respect to new administrations, discharges, and up and coming occasions. You may quit accepting pamphlets and other auxiliary messages from eposdaddy by choosing the ‘withdraw’ work present in each email we send. In any case, you will keep on accepting fundamental value-based messages.

Getting to, Updating and Removing Personal Information

Upon demand, we will furnish you with data about whether we hold any of your Personal Information. Clients who wish to address, update or evacuate any Personal Information including those from an open discussion, index or tribute on our site may do so either by getting to their client account or by reaching eposdaddy Customer Support Services at Such switches may take as long as 48 hours to produce results. We react to all enquiries inside 30 days.

Examination of Illegal Activity

We may need to give access to your Personal Information and the substance of your client record to our workers and specialist co-ops to explore any associated criminal behavior or potential infringement with the terms and conditions for utilization of eposdaddy Services. Notwithstanding, eposdaddy will guarantee that such access is consistent with this Privacy Policy Statement and subject to proper secrecy and safety efforts.

Authorization of Privacy Policy

We bend over backward, including intermittent surveys to guarantee that Personal Information gave by you is utilized incongruity with this Privacy Policy Statement. In the event that you have any worries with respect to our adherence to this Privacy Policy Statement or the way in which Personal Information is utilized to give eposdaddy Services, generously contact eposdaddy Customer Support Services at We will get in touch with you to address your interests and we will likewise co-work with administrative experts in such manner if necessary.

Warning of Changes

We may adjust the Privacy Policy Statement upon notice to you whenever through an assistance declaration or by sending an email to your essential email address. In the event that we roll out noteworthy improvements in the Privacy Policy Statement that influence your privileges, You will be given at any rate 30 days early notification of the progressions by email to your essential email address. You may end your utilization of eposdaddy Services by giving eposdaddy notice by email inside 30 days of being advised of the accessibility of the adjusted Privacy Policy Statement if the Privacy Policy Statement is changed in a way that significantly influences your privileges regarding utilization of eposdaddy Services. You have proceeded with the utilization of eposdaddy Services after the compelling date of any change to the Privacy Policy Statement will be esteemed to be your consent to the altered Privacy Policy Statement. You won’t get email notification of minor changes to the Privacy Policy Statement. On the off chance that you are worried about how your Personal Information is utilized, you should inquire at occasionally.

Websites and Forums

We give the ability to clients to post data in sites and gatherings for sharing data in an open space on the site. This data is freely accessible to all clients of these discussions and guests to our site. We expect enlistment to distribute data, however, given the open idea of the two stages, any Personal Information unveiled inside these discussions might be utilized to contact clients with spontaneous messages. We urge clients to be wary in the divulgence of Personal Information in open discussions as eposdaddy isn’t answerable for the Personal Information clients choose to uncover.

eposdaddy additionally bolsters outsider gadgets, for example, Facebook and Twitter fasten on the site that permits clients to share articles and other data on various stages. These gadgets may gather your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a treat to empower the gadgets to work appropriately. These gadgets don’t gather or store any Personal Information from clients on the site and basically go about as a scaffold for your benefit in sharing data. Your associations with these gadgets are administered by the protection strategy of the organization giving it.

Get in touch with Us

On the off chance that you have any inquiries or concerns in regards to this Privacy Policy Statement if it’s not too much trouble get in touch with us at We will react to all requests inside 30 days of receipt after discovering your personality.